Intimate, fearlessly frank and with a fathoms-deep emotional resonance, Joseph’s highly individual expression was first heard on 2015’s Bones You Have Thrown Me And Blood I’ve Spilled. The dark, mournful beauty of that debut – which addressed failed relationships and the death of her infant son – bagged her the Scottish Album of the Year award against stiff competition.
From When I Wake The Want Is, is the follow up. 12 songs of an equally devastating, understated intensity in terms of her heavily rhythmic piano work, striking vocals and vivid lyrics, but with a newly muscular edge and textured depth. It mixes new songs with material gathered over the past ten years that was at various stages of completion, but whose sentiments still resonated with Joseph, prompting her to write new lyrics. Marcus Mackay, who also produced Bones You Have Thrown Me... gives each song its experimental setting, making dramatic use of space and also provides drums, synth and electronics
1 1111
2 from when I wake the want is
3 and you survived
4 tell my lover
5 and it will lick you clean
6 there is no god but you
7 safe
8 we have been loved by our mothers
9 mouths full of blood
10 mountain
11 weight
12 ^^
Release date: 10th August 2018